Aging isn’t always graceful and feeling down, moody, or anxious is normal. The emotional well-being of seniors in the Mesa County community has a new resource that is intended to lift spirits and create comradery. It’s an outpatient program called Senior Life Solutions, and can be found at Family Health West.
The program’s nuts and bolts include being created in 2003 as part of community-based behavior healthcare, strictly in an outpatient capacity for seniors age 65 and older. Think coffee club a few times a week with your newest best friends. That might be oversimplified because this program truly addresses important health concerns like difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, depression, feeling sad or hopelessness, loss of energy and motivation, or perhaps you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event.
Participants are assessed on their individual needs and can self-refer to the program, be referred by extended family or caregivers, or be referred by a primary care physician. Program attendees meet up three times a week and together create a supportive and encouraging environment where personal growth and positive relationships can bloom. The Senior Life Solution’s staff are dedicated professionals focused on the emotional well-being of the elder population in our community.
Small groups at FHW will consist of 10 people per group and together they will or can address life transitions because aging has unique challenges. Mental health is a large piece of assisting people out of depression, talking about sadness and wellness in a way that feels inclusive and helps others, and the groups will address new life situations which often make people feel anxious and frustrated. Medicare covers the cost of this program and your emotional health can be stabilized and supported as you continue through the natural aging process.
To call a program representative, request more information, or screen for enrollment, visit the website.