Master Nurse Staffing Plan

To provide appropriate staffing with available resources and establish the standards for performance of safe nursing care.

Inpatient and Emergency Department Clinical staff

     1. Policy Statement:
          a. This policy serves as the master nurse staffing plan for the inpatient unit and Emergency
          b. The CNO is responsible and accountable for nurse staffing.
          c. The AVP of Nursing Services will oversee this process and collaborate with the CNO for meeting with the staff annually.
          d. Nursing Directors/Supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day staffing of 24/7 coverage.
          e. The Clinical Resource Nurse/Charge Registered Nurse (RN) are responsible for reallocating staffing on a shift-by-shift basis as needed in collaboration with Directors, AVP of Nursing or CNO as needed.

     2. Rationale:
          a. This policy acts as a guideline for appropriate staffing on each unit in a 24-hour period to deliver safe nursing care.
      1. Policy
          a. Minimum Staffing Standards:
                  i. Emergency Department (ED)
     1. The ED must be staffed at a minimum of (1) RN and (1) auxiliary staff member 24/7.
          a. Auxiliary staff include: EMT, ED tech, Unit clerk, ED registration.
     2. Day shift:
          a. One (1) RN is scheduled 0700-1900
          b. One (1) RN is scheduled 1100-2300
          c. One (1) EMT/ED tech is scheduled 0700-1900
     3. Night shift:
          a. One (1) RN is scheduled 1900-0700
          b. One (1) EMT/ED tech is scheduled 1900-0700
     4. Ancillary staff:
          a. One (1) Scribe/Unit clerk is scheduled covering 12-hour shifts
          b. One (1) ED registration staff is scheduled covering 12 hours shifts/24 hours a day.
     5. ED staffing will never fall below the minimum staffing listed above in i.1
                  ii. Inpatient Unit
     1. The inpatient unit must be staffed at a minimum of (1) RN and (1) auxiliary staff member 24/7.
          a. Auxiliary staff member will be a certified nursing assistant (CNA) or EMT (this  is only if we cannot staff a CNA).
     2. Day shift:
          a. Two (2) RNs are staffed from 0630-1830
          b. One (1) CNA is staffed from 0600-1800
     3. Night shift:
          a. Two (2) RNs are staffed from 1830-0630
          b. One (1) CNA is staffed from 1800-0600
     4. Ancillary staff:
          a. One (1) tele-tech/Ward Clerk is scheduled covering a 12-hour shift.
          b. Clinical Resource Nurse are scheduled during the heaviest time of need.
     5. Inpatient staffing will not fall below the minimum staffing listed in ii 1.
          b. Nurse Staffing Oversight
                    i. The CNO is responsible and accountable for nurse staffing.
                    ii. Upon hire and annually, all staff assigned to the ED and Inpatient Unit will receive this policy for review.
                    iii. Nursing Directors/supervisors will review unit staffing with staff individually during annual performance evaluations.
                    iv. This policy is shared with the Nurse Practice Council (NPC) annually for feedback and recommendations.
                    v. Staff can discuss concerns with the master nurse staffing plan with the NPC, their direct supervisor, AVP of Nursing and or the CNO by scheduling a meeting, writing emails, or in a group setting at the First Friday meetings or through the NPC.
     1. The CNO will review all concerns.
     2. The CNO, AVP of Nursing or Nursing Director/Supervisor will respond to any employee that voices concern.

Effective 06/11

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