FHW Foundation Announces A New Director

Glacia Peck Chosen To Lead Local Non-Profit

Fruita, CO – Family Health West leadership is excited to announce Glacia Peck has been chosen as the next FHW Foundation Director.

“Glacia brings a wealth of non-profit experience to our Foundation,” Dr. Korrey Klein, FHW Chief Executive Officer said. “She has worked with volunteer boards and committees, as well as, with shoestring budgets, and planned fundraisers to pay for things that budgets could not meet. In short, her vast experience fits perfectly with the needs of the FHW Foundation.”

“My hope is to spark motivation for partners, donors, and volunteers by reigniting a shared vision for the future – creating the kind of care we all want for our loved ones, and inspiring the future of health care in the Grand Valley,” Glacia said.

Glaci Peck, FHW courtesy photo.

The FHW Foundation is a separate non-profit organization from FHW Hospital and supporting clinics. The sole mission of the Foundation is to fundraise for the benefit of the entire FHW organization. The FHW Foundation makes life better for patients. Whether that’s raising money for ground-breaking new equipment, or just putting up a pergola in the hospital courtyard so people can enjoy some fresh air and shade in the summer, the Foundation staff and board look at each day as a chance to make an impact. A strong belief at the FHW Foundation is that even the smallest of details are worth investing in if they can improve the journey to wellness in our community. Those fundraising dollars get turned into check marks next to the wish list of purchases that extend services, patient experience, and staff quality of work into realities. Those purchases help the overall FHW organization extend service, improve patient experience, and enhance the quality of the workplace for all FHW staff.

“I know the difference Glacia has made in the lives of others throughout her years here in Mesa County,” Klein said. “I have no doubt Glacia will help the FHW Foundation flourish!”

Her first day in the role as the FHW Director was Tuesday, January 3, 2023. In her professional career, she has more than a dozen years working and supporting the Lutheran Church and School of Messiah, a 501 c (3) organization in Grand Junction. Additionally, over the years, Glacia has donated hundreds of hours to supporting, fundraising, and organizing the Grand Junction High School choir and theater programs; for Grand Mesa Little League; Boy Scouts of America; Girl Scouts of Colorado; and, she is currently an at-large board member with the Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado.

For more information about FHW Foundation, visit fhw.org/foundation.

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