Family Health West Stories

Important updates, patient stories, caring doctors, and more from Family Health West.

Anniversary Marks Hospital Growth In Fruita

Just thirteen miles outside Grand Junction, or a ten-minute drive ...

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Don’t Live With Chronic Pain, We Have Solutions

Typically, patients make their way into Dr. Kyle Christopherson and ...

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Aquatic Therapy Is A Healing Alternative

Patients see great results from rehabilitative therapy in the pool ...

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How The Change Healthcare Cyber Attack Impacts FHW

Change Healthcare has been a silent partner in our operations ...

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How FHW Got Tom Back To Dancing

It’s not a mirage in Fruita at the FHW Hospital. ...

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Senior Life Solutions Receives National Award

On February 5, 2024, the Family Health West Senior Life ...

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We Treat Chronic Pain, Get Back To Living

At Family Health West Pain Specialists Clinic, we understand every ...

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Table Talk, A New Learn & Listen Class For The Community

The Family Health West (FHW) Foundation is excited to announce ...

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Family Health West Receives Two Recognitions: Chartis Center for Rural Health Recognizes FHW For Performance Leadership; The Colorado Sun Recognizes FHW Rehabilitative Therapy Program

Family Health West (FHW) announces it has been recognized with ...

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Driving To Recovery Or Assessing Your Safety

When it comes to getting behind the wheel and putting ...

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